Monday, September 17, 2012

23 weeks

baby is the size of: a mango
how far along are you: 23 weeks 3 days
what's happening with baby: baby's sense of movement is well-developed and he can feel me moving about.  blood vessels in his lungs are developing to prepare for breathing, and his hearing is becoming more clear.
due date: jan 10
maternity clothes: all maternity.  old navy just had a big maternity sale, so i ordered a few more items.  i think at this point i'm all set for the remainder of the pregnancy.   
sleep: i am definitely waking up early due to getting uncomfortable.  they recommend lying on your left side to improve circulation, but i am much more comfortable on my right.  sleep is not my favorite these days, and that really sucks.
best moment this week: matt finished painting the nursery on wednesday.  we still need to do touch-ups on the orange wall, but it looks awesome!  
what are you looking forward to: well, had i done this update on time, it would have been our babymoon in nyc on saturday.
food cravings: nothing in particular.
food/smell aversions: nothing.
what do you miss: being able to stand up without my tailbone yelling in pain. sleeping comfortably. 
symptoms: tailbone pain.  big belly.  back pain.  and my feet and hands are definitely swollen by the end of the day.
gender: baby boy!! 
belly button: in. but it's definitely stretching, and if i stretch the skin around my belly button, it starts to pop up a little. 
rings: on. still having a hard time by the end of the day.  hoping it gets better.

the picture this week is from our babymoon.  i'll do a post about it soon. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cute dress---it really accentuates the baby bump!