Sunday, August 19, 2012

19 weeks

baby is the size of: an heirloom tomato.  or a mango.
how far along are you: 19 weeks 3 days
what's happening with baby: baby's sensory development is exploding!  her brain is designating specialized areas for each of the 5 senses (that is insane).  baby may be able to hear your voice.  a waxy protective coating called the vernix caseosa is forming on the skin to prevent it from pickling in your amniotic fluid.
due date: jan 10
maternity clothes: mostly wearing maternity pants now.  the belly band still works, but zipping up my pre-preg pants is getting a little difficult.  still wearing mostly pre-preg shirts, but the ones that still work are slowly dwindling. 
sleep: not great.  still having problems with a sore back.  i think it's because i'm usually a back sleeper, but i've been sleeping on my side now.  i wake up in the middle of the night all twisted because i've tried to turn onto my back but with the pillow between my legs i can't fully turn.  i need a u-shaped pillow to support both my belly and my back.   
best moment this week: totally not pregnancy-related, but matt started his new job in center city, which means we're now train commute buddies!  so fun.  also, i went to a huge baby consignment store yesterday.  i scored a swing, exersaucer, toys, hats, and a glow seahorse...for $78!
what are you looking forward to: omg, our anatomy scan is tomorrow!  so excited!!!!     
food cravings: yup, velveeta shells and cheese.  and now i'm craving it with buffalo sauce in it.  whaaaa???
food/smell aversions: nothing.
what do you miss: being able to stand up without my tailbone yelling in pain. 
symptoms: tailbone pain.  big belly.  boobs hurt.  back pain when sleeping.
gender: seems more and more people are guessing boy.  i'm still leaning towards girl, but we'll see! 
belly button: in.
rings: on, but tight.  hoping the humidity goes away soon, or i may have purchase a faux replacement set! 

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