Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 - year in review

2012: In The Beginning
Where did you bring in the New Year? in baltimore. 
Who were you with? matt, callie, anthony, and a few other friends.
Did you make any resolutions?  i honestly don't even remember.  i think i resolved to eat healthier, which i did (up until the past 2-3 weeks).

2012: Your Love Life
Did you break up with anyone? no way!
Did you get anything for Valentine's day? i believe we went out for dinner in center city.
Did you meet anyone special? not romantically, no.
Did you fall in love? with baby boy.  already head over heels.  and i fell more in love with matt as we work through this journey to parenthood together.

2012: Friends and Enemies
Did you meet any new friends this year? sure!
Did any of your friendships end? i stopped taking calls from a friend whose drama i no longer had time for. 
Did you dislike anyone? yes
Did you make any new enemies? no
Did you resolve any fights? every day.  it's what they pay me to do.
Who was(were) your closest friend(s)? matt, callie, abriel, nicole
Who did you grow apart from? see the 2nd question.
Do you have any regrets when it comes to your friendships? not really.

2012: Your BIRTHDAY!!
Did you have a cake? i doubt it.  i might have had a cupcake or something.
Did you have a party? nope.
Did you get any presents? probably money from my parents.  and i don't remember what matt got me.  this is terrible!
If so, what was the best thing you got? dude, who doesn't love birthday money?

2012: All about YOU
Did you change at all this year? mmm...i packed on a few (30) pounds, grew a human, instantly became a mother...yeah, i changed a bit
Did you dye your hair? yes, a couple of times i diy'd it at home. 
Did you get your hair cut? a few times. 
Did you change your style? yeah, i went from classic normal to whatever-looks-good maternity.
Were you in school? ugh, no, done with school.
Did you have a job? social worker
Did you drive? yup
Did you own a car? my beautiful nissan rogue.  i seriously love my car.
Did anyone close to you give birth? 2 of my friends (who are sisters) had baby girls!  and lots of coworkers had babies this year!
Did you move at all? no...not yet.
Did you go on any vacations? we spent a week in georgia - stayed with abriel and dave in peachtree city for a few days, and then spent a few nights in savannah.  loved it!
Did you leave the country at all? no, not this year!
Would you change anything about yourself now? i'd be un-pregnant right about now!

2012: Wrap Up.
Is 2012 a good year? 2012 ranks up there with one the best years ever!
Did 2012 bring any new insights? this has certainly been a year of growth and learning. 
Do you think 2013 will top 2012? most likely.  baby boy will be here and we will have our little family.  it will be more challenging than 2012, for sure, but i'm betting it will be totally worth it.

How old will you turn in 2013? 34.
Do you think you'll be married by then? already married.
What do you look forward to most in the next 2 months? baby!!!!
Will you be looking for a new job? i don't think so, but with the way the hospital is operating right now, that sentiment could change.
Will you be looking for a new relationship? a flourishing mommy-son relationship!
New house? not likely
New Years resolution? i haven't even thought about new year's resolutions.  i just want to get this baby out and start being a mom!
Any trips planned? no.  let's have the baby first and see how that goes!
Wedding plans? nobody getting married this year, that i know of!
What's on your calendar? ob and chiro appointments, last day of work, baby's due date.  eventually we'll get around to scheduling spa weekend with my mom and sister, and callie's baby shower!
What can't you wait for? oh my god,!!!
What would you like to see happen different? no idea.
What about yourself will you be changing? are these questions getting repetitive?
What happened in '12 that you didn't think would ever happen? my sister got pregnant while i was pregnant!
What will you do differently in 2013? actually be a mom, instead of just reading about it, ha ha!

1 comment:

Maria said...

It will be fun to answer 2013's ?s next year! :)